Spotted Lanternfly

Lawrence County has been added to the Spotted Lanternfly quarantine zone effective February 24, 2023. Read below for more information and links to resources. It is important that all Lawrence County residents know the risks Spotted Lanternfly poses, what it looks like, how to eradicate it, and precautions to take to slow the spread. This is an excellent resource:  SLF Checklist for Residents

In adding six new PA counties to the quarantine list, Secretary of Agriculture Russel Redding said, “Spotted lanternfly is an invasive pest that is disruptive and damaging to our agriculture commodities and a nuisance pest for all Pennsylvanians. Through collective and intentional efforts, including instituting quarantine zones, we continue to slow the spread of this insect, and I call on all Pennsylvanians to assist. This time of year, before the eggs hatch in spring, do your part to help manage the pest by scraping egg masses and reporting where they are found. Each egg mass destroyed eliminates 30-50 lanternflies before they have an opportunity to hatch and spread.”

Businesses that operate in or travel through quarantined counties are required to obtain a spotted lanternfly permit. Homeowners with questions about treatment are encouraged to contact their local Penn State Extension office or learn about management, including approved sprays, at their website. Pennsylvanians who live inside the quarantine zone should also review and sign the Compliance Checklist for residents linked above.