City of New Castle and Hickory Township to Receive DGLVR Grants for Road Improvements

The Lawrence Conservation District will be working with the City of New Castle and Hickory Township to complete improvements to two local roads through the use of the State Conservation Commission and Center for Dirt and Gravel Roads Dirt, Gravel and Low Volume Road Program. In Hickory Township, the District will be assisting in alleviating a long term flooding problem on Fording Road with the installation of a Best Management Practice that will allow for better management of a wetland that is located along the roadway. Additionally, improvements will continue on Neshannock Avenue  located on the bank of the Neshannock Creek in the City of New Castle. Last year the District assisted the municipality with drainage, and will be working with the City on installation of a lower maintenance environmentally sensitive surface aggregate. Continue to check the District’s web and Facebook page to follow these projects through construction.

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